Veterans helping Veterans
Ladies and Gentlemen, We would like to thank everyone for their continued support of our Memorial Post. We are constantly adding new members, making new friends. Inviting more community and veteran support groups to join us in helping our Military and Families.
Please check our Facebook Page for upcoming events and Meals at the Post. All EVENTS are OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!
I look forward to meeting you all.



Commander's Corner

Commander Stephen Starbuck

Title: A Year of Honor, Service, and Leadership: A Message from Your Commander

As your 2023-2025 Commander, I am deeply humbled and honored to serve in this esteemed role. The opportunity to lead this post and work alongside each one of you is something I will never take for granted. My gratitude for this responsibility knows no bounds, and I am committed to valuing each member of our post, as well as your continued dedication to the VFW.

To those visiting our site and considering joining, I extend a heartfelt welcome. If you’re eligible for membership, we would be truly honored to have you as a fellow Comrade in our post. The camaraderie and support we share are what make the VFW a unique and powerful organization, and we’re always excited to bring new members into our fold.

A Personal Commitment to Integrity

In the years I’ve had the privilege of serving with this post, I have worked to uphold the values of honesty and integrity. These values will continue to guide me in my role as Commander.  These experiences have shaped my understanding of what it means to serve, and I will continue to carry those lessons forward.

Facing Challenges, Embracing Progress

As we move forward into this year, we know that there will be challenges ahead. However, I have no doubt that together, we will rise to meet them. One of our main goals this year is to expand our efforts to support veterans. We must remain steadfast in our commitment to providing help, guidance, and resources to our fellow veterans, especially those who need it the most.

We must remain vigilant in our mission and true to the goals of the VFW. For every veteran that seeks our help, we must offer solutions rooted in the traditions and valor that the VFW stands for. As veterans helping veterans, we are the best source of assistance and leadership our community can count on.

A Call to Action for All Members

I now call on all members of Daniel B. Persyn Memorial VFW Post 7108 to make this year—and the years to follow—the most progressive of our generation. Let us work together to build a legacy of leadership, support, and commitment. We have an opportunity to leave a lasting impact on the future of this post, and I am confident that we will meet this challenge with the passion and dedication that defines us.

As we continue to grow and strengthen our community, I encourage you to consider taking on future post positions and committee nominations. There are many opportunities for you to make a difference. By harnessing the diverse skills and experiences of our membership, we can ensure that the VFW’s tradition of service continues to thrive for generations to come.

Together, we will pass the "baton" to future comrades with pride, knowing that we’ve upheld the values of the VFW and that the legacy we build will be one of honor and service.


Thank you for your continued dedication to this post, and to all the veterans we serve. Let’s make this year the most impactful one yet.


Post News

Important Info for Post7108 Members

Monthly Post General Mtg.

Interested in Joining our Post?

Interested in Joining the VFW Motorcycle Group?

Motorcycle Rider?

District News

Important Info for District 20 Members

Want to join your local VFW?

Served Overseas? Afghanistan, Iraq, Gulf War, Korea, Vietnam?

Looking to attend a D20 meeting?

Check out our Calendar

National News

Important info from National VFW

VFW Reminds Members to Stay Focused Amid Confusion in the Capital

WASHINGTON - Over the past few weeks, I, like many of you, have been inundated daily with news from our nation's capital about the...

Leading veterans' groups release Independent Budget Recommendations for the Department of Veterans Affairs